1. Make sure the pellet is small enough for your axolotl’s mouth.
2. Wait until they are hungry!
3. If they are used to feeding from tongs or fingers, try this method first.
4. Try dropping the pellets one by one just above their nose, so that they are tempted to snap.
5. It’s normal for your axolotl to hesitate at first, and maybe even spit the pellet out. Even if they don’t go for it right away, leave one or two pellets in the water overnight. A good quality pellet will entice them by smell, and will usually be gone by morning.
6. If your axolotl still won’t try the pellets, don’t feed them their usual food until the next day — you don’t want to create a “if I ignore the pellet I will get my favorite treat” association!
7. Don’t try introducing pellets several days in a row. You should alternate with normal feedings, to make sure that your axolotl stays healthy and that their refusal to eat is not due to a different stressor, such as water quality issues.
8. If your axolotl still won’t touch the pellets on your third try, and they have no trouble eating other foods… Use a better pellet!